意大利Rigante GR50移动式起重机 GR50

The sound-proof embowered engine is installed in the back of a rotating platform connected to a geared wheel system allowing an 180° steering radius.
The framed engine remains unaltered allowing:
– Easy access to the operating components, servicing, and maintenance.
– A significant fuel saving and toxic emission reduction below the ece, r24 (by – law regulations) and the noise factor is reduced by about 80%.
– Low repair and maintenance.
– High dependability ensured by an automatic fail – safe operating system in case of mechanical failure.
– Equipped with an automatic supplementary system.
– Easy maintenance is facilitated by a self – cleaning system of the injection pump, and an hydraulic belt tightening system.
– The diesel engine has a 24,4 Kw. power, equipped with an electric starter.
– The hydraulic pulling and lifting power has an engine with an easy speed control shifting system located at the rear of the double power steering wheel system.
– The hydraulic pulling and lifting power system is equipped with a fail–safe compensating oil bearing valves enabling the equipment into a safe stop, in case of a mechanical or oil pressure failure, a special filter inserted in the oil circuit gives a constant assurance for a perfect functionality of the system.
– The GR50 Mobile Crane is also equipped with double hydraulic arms.
– The operating utility coverage area is about mt. 4,60 X 1,90 h 2,45.意大利Rigante GR50移动式起重机 GR50



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