

Konecranes has won another order from Ben Nghe Port in Vietnam for two BOXHUNTER RTG cranes. The cranes will be delivered in cooperation with Telin Group JSC in April of 2021. The order was booked in March 2020.

BOXHUNTER RTG秉承现代化操作理念,为未来运作做好准备:操作人员坐在起重机下方接近卡车车道的驾驶室内,靠近卡车进行装卸作业。如同当前的BOXHUNTER,边宜港的新型BOXHUNTER为全电动16轮起重机,由电缆卷筒提供电力。堆垛高度为1过5个集装箱,最大跨度有6个集装箱加车道宽度。这些起重机将配备基于GPS自动纠偏功能和TRUCONNECT?远程技术支持功能。

The BOXHUNTER RTG is ready for the future with a modern operating concept that puts the operator down in a cabin at the truck lane, close to the truck loading and unloading action. Ben Nghe’s new BOXHUNTERs will be fully-electric 16-wheel machines, powered by cable reel like its current BOXHUNTERs. They will stack 1-over-5 containers high with an operating width of 6 containers plus truck lane. They will be equipped with GPS-based auto-steering and TRUCONNECT? remote technical support.


“BOXHUNTER RTG 符合我们对产品的预期。我们期待购买更多的科尼起重机,并将它们投入使用。科尼为我们提供鼎力支持,向他们购买两台以上的BOXHUNTER RTG是一项明智的决定。”

“The BOXHUNTER RTG has met our expectations and we look forward to receiving two more and putting them into service. Konecranes has supported us well. Acquiring two more BOXHUNTERs was an easy decision.”

—— Mr.Dang Hoai Giang


Chairman of the Board

Ben Nghe Port


Ben Nghe Port


Ben Nghe Port has been operating two Konecranes BOXHUNTER RTGs since 2017, and the cranes have been instrumental in the port’s growth. Ben Nghe is centrally located on the Saigon River in Ho Chi Minh City, and serves both domestic and international container traffic.

科尼港口解决方案中国和东南亚区销售总监Jerry Fann表示:“BOXHUNTER RTG的推广在世界各地与日俱增。令我感到很荣幸的是,边宜港已决定向科尼购买更多的创新RTG。”

Jerry Fann, Sales Director China and Southeast Asia, Konecranes Port Solutions, said: “The popularity of the BOXHUNTER RTG is growing throughout the world and I’m honored that Ben Nghe Port has decided to purchase more of these innovative RTGs from us.”


Powered by Ecolifting is Konecranes’ vision to reduce the footprint and increase the handprint of equipment for container terminals. From eco-optimizing diesel drives to hybridization and fully-electrified fleets, we will continue to do more with less.


上一篇 2020年7月17日
下一篇 2020年7月17日


