德国飞塔FETRAfetra Fechtel Transportgerte GmbH

德国飞塔(FETRA)fetra Fechtel Transportgerte GmbH

德国飞塔FETRAfetra Fechtel Transportgerte GmbH

   Fetra公司是钢、铝合金与不锈钢手推车的先驱制造商,我们生产的优质运输设备集聚宽泛的功能、科学与最高水平的简约设计,而且, Fetra的名字象征着极其广泛的产品系列与高水平的创造性。

fetra is a leading manufacturer of steel, aluminium and stainless steel hand carts. We produce transportation equipment of the highest quality, featuring comprehensive functionality, the highest level of convenience and no-nonsense designs. Furthermore, the name fetra stands for a uniquely wide range of products and a high level of innovation.
From office trolleys to moving gear with 24-ton payloads, the fetra range of products comprises more than 800 items. This level of variety is remarkable in the industry as well as the meticulously thought-out functionality of our equipment. Every fetra product is perfectly suited to specific requirements and offers effortless operation.
Safety guaranteed
We only use the highest quality materials and our workmanship is first-rate, making fetra transportation equipment exceptionally safe and durable. And that’s not just a promise, we guarantee it: fetra offers a 5-year quality guarantee on all its transportation devices.
Europe-wide distribution
Companies operating in all sorts of industries and based in many different countries rely on fetra transportation equipment. Our products are distributed throughout Europe by competent specialised dealers. All over Europe, fetra is known for providing products of the highest quality at competitive prices.


主要经营: 主营行业:
企业类型: 企业单位 经营模式: 叉车及物流搬运设备制造商 
成立时间: 经营地址: Industriestrasse 21 33829 Borgholzhausen Germany
员工人数: 注册资本:


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